Hillcrest Children and Family, Washington, DC

The National Association of American Veterans, Inc. (NAAV) and Hillcrest
Children and Family Center of Washington, DC will work together in
support of Veterans and their family members 18 years old and older with
substance use disorders and chronic health conditions. Each individual
is assigned a Care Coordinator and they in turn work the individual to
develop a Care Team. The Care Team works toward building strategies to
support the individual reach their goals and needs. This is not a
billable service and care coordination takes place among professionals,
natural supports, and other in volved parties such as courts, welfare,
housing, etc. The unique aspect of this program is that it focuses on
both the clinical and the non-clinical aspects that eff3ct an
individual. Referral can be carried through contacting, Lisa Pugh,
Wellness Manager and main contact person of the program at (202)
948-6554; email: lpugh@hillcrestchildrenscenter.onmicrosoft.com; or by
accessing the survey on this link:
https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/DCOR_Referral. See attached documents
regarding the program for your review and follow-up.

[1] https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/DCOR_Referral
Wellness Care Coordination Program Pamphlet.pdf
Wellness Works Journey & Workflow.pdf

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