The SLCC Community Writing Center (CWC) invites submissions to Writing
Across the Civil-Military Divide, a program for both veterans and
civilians to share their experiences with the civil-military divide. The
program is geared towards helping veterans tell their stories in ways
that allow for a public conversation about the growing divide between
the American public and its veterans.
We are looking for short pieces of fiction and non-fiction writing that
relate to the civil-military divide by veterans, veteran family members,
and civilians.
The submission deadline for this publication is June 15, 2021.
Submissions will be collected in a free print publication to be shared
with the community. Additional information about the publication and the
submission process is attached.
We hope that you’ll consider letting your clients and community
partners know about this project. If you have any questions about
Writing Across the Civil-Military Divide, please reply to this email or
contact us at