The National Association of American Veterans is winding down with the warm days of summer. August was a very hot month, and so was a few of the testimonies sent to NAAV.
A Man on a Mission: “Happy Feet!”
One of our hottest topics was the celebration of Ernest Andrus as he finished in west to east coast trek and celebrated his 93rd birthday.
As some of you may recall, NAAV published an article about Mr. Andrus back in October 2015, as he was already into several miles of his trek across America to raise money for a WWII LST325. Ernie set off on foot from San Diego’s Pacific in October 2013, determined to make it to the shore of the Atlantic, which he did on August 20, 2016. At a pace of 21.49, 6.13 miles a day, three days a week, an almost three-year ended journey when the last leg of his most memorial trek touched-base on St. Island, Georgia. The picture below shows Ernie foot touching the waters of the Atlantic Ocean.
NAAV proudly celebrate with Ernest Andrus and the many family, friends, and fan who followed him along the way. Through city to city, Ernie knew how to catch a crowd. We do not know how much money Ernie was able to raise, but we do know that with “true grit” a slow and easy pace, and faithful perseverance, Ernie “finished the race.”
See links below:

*photo taken by Saint Simons
His passion and commitment to have the LST325 moved from its current docking space in Ohio back to the shores of Normandy was one sincere motivator. So NAAV is highly encouraged by Mr. Andrus most astounding accomplishment. At 93 years old, Ernie can stand assured that he is among an amazing few, who set out and stick to the task and more importantly complete it despite the obstacles.
Congratulations to Mr. Ernest Andrus!!! Thanks also goes out to Mr. Brady Gentry for keeping NAAV abreast of Ernie’s many mile markers. You can find the previous story written and posted by NAAV in October 2015 on the NAAV website under the “Veterans Story” tab. It’s an awesome story about an awesome American Veteran and hero.
Way-to-go Ernie!!!
Next, NAAV Partners with PNC Bank:

More blessings warming up the month of August:
NAAV hosted a BBQ at VA USO Building and shares this comment from one of the attendees, SSG, when asked did he attend the event: “Yes ma’am I sure did. You really are a blessing to us veterans.”
Testimony from North Carolina. NAAV partnered with Home Improvement service in Knightdale, NC to assist a veteran and her family in need:
I just wanted to let you know that Tony is out until next week.
And some great news they finished my deck today.
Thanks so much Constance
By the way he also did my bridge as well! Looks so good and well needed!!!!

Thanks so much Constance!
Testimony from Retired SSG Jonathan Clark and wife Sandra:
Recently, during the hottest Summer I have experienced in Georgia, our cooling system for our home broke down. I thought it would be a mere repair; but unfortunately, it would be a replacement for the 28-year-old system. I knew our budget could not withstand a hit this big, and with my husband’s disabilities the high temperatures would be too much for him. After attempts to secure donations, and/or assistance, all attempts fell through. Fortunately, I was referred to NAAV’s Constance Burns and she was more than glad to assist with our emergency need for the cooling system. Within days, Ms. Burns had contact Estes Services, who gladly assisted with our situation. What a great team of professionals! They really cared about our situation and rallied to the call for help!
Sandra Clark
During the month of August and throughout the year, NAAV routinely receives over 100 calls including emails requests for emergency assistance and resources. Veterans and their family members are most in need of financial help with rent, utilities, car repair, donated car or accessible van, mortgage assistance, eviction and foreclosure assistance/resources, legal, benefits and claims assistance, food, gas, to name a few.
NAAV is forming partnerships with other veterans’ service organizations, agencies, corporations, and companies to help Veterans and their family members most in need nationwide. Thank you for your continued support, donations, prayers.
NAAV appreciates all that you give so that we in return can help provide assistance to those who have given so much, our American Veterans and their family members. Stick with us as we continue to wind down the summer months in good spirits.
CEO and President
NAAV, Inc.